Guided Hikes 2025! Want to join an adventure? Sign up for one of Adam’s guided nature hikes! 

All hikes take place at some of Adam’s favourite locations across Ontario. As a bonus, all participants get a signed copy of one of his books!

Guided nature hikes with professional explorer Adam Shoalts

Speaker Events Calendar 

Click here for a list of Adam’s upcoming public talks, for his new adventure book, Where the Falcon Flies. Or keep up-to-date through Adam’s Facebook or Instagram pages.

New Documentary! A Two-Month Solo Canoe Journey in one of Canada’s wildest places. Watch it here. 

Artist Gallery: Check out Artwork inspired by Adam’s Adventures 

Shoalts in the News…

Shoalts’ adventures and expeditions have been featured on the BBC, CNN, CBC, CTV, Canada AM, the Weather Network, The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, National Post, The Guardian, The Telegraph, MSN news, The Huffington Post, La Presse, Macleans, Canadian Geographic, Wired, Canoe and Kayak magazine, and many other media outlets around the world in different languages. A few clips are included below:

Interview on TVO’s The Agenda:

Life in the Forest 2021: 

Interview (2016)

Global News Morning (2015)

CTV’s Canada AM (2015)

Join one of Adam’s Guided Nature Hikes…

Frequently Asked Questions