“One of Canada’s greatest modern explorers.” —CBC 

“Adam Shoalts is the consummate adventurer/explorer of our time.”—-Field Guide Outdoors

“Canada’s Most Accomplished Adventurer.” —Global News

“[Adam Shoalts is a] Canadian Adventure Icon.” —Paddle Canada

“Shoalts’s love of nature, cool professionalism, and almost archaically romantic spirit draw us into his adventures….Shoalts is a knowledgeable and observant guide.”                                                                                                                                                          —Quill and Quire

“Adam Shoalts might just soothe your need for adventure…Beyond the Trees is wonder-filled, a beautiful book.”—Buzzfeed

“Adam Shoalts . . . [has] finished an incredible journey through Canada’s Arctic.”–Global News

“His presentation (November 30, 2023) at the Atwater Library, Montreal was quintessential Shoalts: splendidly assembled and masterfully delivered.” –James W. COULTON, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, McGill University

“While not everyone would fantasize about spending weeks on end in a canoe, Shoalts’s life is…catnip to the armchair explorer in all of us.” —The Globe and Mail

“Move over Jacques Cartier, Christopher Columbus, and Sir Francis Drake—Adam Shoalts is this century’s explorer.”
—–Hamilton Spectator

“[Shoalts is] a rare breed of woodsman.”                                                                                                                                                                          —–The National Post

“Adam Shoalts is the closest thing today to the explorers of the past. Driven by insatiable curiosity, Adam is equal parts fearless and brilliant.” —John Geiger, CEO of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society

“He [Adam Shoalts] has seen sights and things most people will never experience.” Sharp Magazine.

“It (Alone Against the North) is a story of brutal perseverance and stamina which few adventurers could equal.”                                            —Joe Patstone, Life in Quebec Magazine 

“The more layers you peel away, the more you begin to see the quick mind and quiet intensity that helps propel Adam Shoalts.”                   —Brian Banks, Canadian Geographic

“One could be forgiven for not instantly realizing the true nature of Adam Shoalts while passing him on the street…His strength is not an overgrown beard or a hulking build; it is an ironclad constitution and a persistence some might describe as madness.”                           —-Niagara Life Magazine 

On Beyond the Trees:

“A wild adventure…riveting.” —Montreal Gazette

“The adventure of a lifetime [told] in thrilling detail.” —TVO, The Agenda 

“Explorer Adam Shoalts’s monumental 4,000-kilometre journey . . .
calls to mind the likes of Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Joseph Tyrrell.”-—Canadian Geographic

“His journey took him…across the terrestrial world’s largest expanse of wilderness outside Antarctica…an engaging, hazard-strewn account.”—Nature

“A rousing adventure story…” Canada.com 

“It’s a wonderful book.” —CTV News

“Adam Shoalts does what most of us would never dare to do…Beyond the Trees is a very readable himage to the wolds of the Canadian North.” —Richmond News 

Beyond the Trees is a remarkable tale—and a staggering feat… It’s mesmerizing to be guided through Canada’s wilderness through Shoalts’ eyes…Shoalts also wields a wicked wit…” —Atlantic Books

“His feat was extraordinary, pushing the limits of…what’s been considered possible…a calm, quiet, solitary figure emerges through the text. Shoalts is…an incredibly informed explorer with a background in archeology, history and geography….We decided that Shoalts is a master of understatement.” Seaside Magazine

On Alone Against the North

“While the book is a nail-biting chronicle of polar-bear encounters, brutal swarms of black flies and surprise tumbles down waterfalls, Shoalts also vividly describes an area of the country most of us will never witness.”                                                                                          —Metro (Toronto)

“Keeping up with the Kardashian’s? Give me a break. Just try keeping up with this guy…”                                                                                —-Cabin14.ca Blog

“It’s not often a book, or premise sucks me in as Alone Against the North has…I was hooked from the start, and couldn’t put it down.”—New York Times Bestselling Author Eric Blehm

“He (Adam Shoalts) is a strange and wonderful man.”                                                                                                                                               —-Jake Edmiston, National Post

“Shoalts is a skilled woodsman and naturalist, able to survive the northern wilds with rudimentary equipment.” —Canoe and Kayak magazine

“(Shoalts is)a research-obsessed solo explorer.”                                                                                                                                                               —Brian Banks, Canadian Geographic

“Adam Shoalts has captured the world’s imagination with his discovery of uncharted waterfalls.”
—–The Royal Canadian Geographical Society.

“My first impression of Adam Shoalts, author of Alone Against the North, was that he was a wacko…But after delving into his remarkable, page-turner of a book about canoeing Canada’s north, I realized that Shoalts is…a highly intelligent individual.”                        —Nicolas Ross, What’s Not to Hike? blog

“Canada’s Explorer of the Wild.” —Hamilton Spectator

“He’s a completely wonderful and unusual mix of erudition and action.”                                                                                                                   —-Anne Collins, Publisher, Random House Canada.

“His narrative is both humorous and honest, and at times intensely gripping.”                                                                                                  —St. Catharines Standard  

“I think it is a great discovery. In the age of Google maps, in 2013 someone is discovering something never seen by human eyes…it’s remarkable and exceptional.”
—–Christopher Storie, vice-president of the Canadian Cartographic Association.

“Shoalts is a fearless adventurer…Alone Against the North is a rip-roaring yarn.”                                                                                                 —The Great Canadian Bucket List

“I devoured Beyond the Trees and thought it absolutely wonderful.” —-Will Hotopf, Alpine Club of Canada.

“Adam Shoalts, 21st century explorer, calmly describes the things he has endured that would drive most people to despair, or even madness…Rare insight into the heart and mind of an explorer, and the insatiable hunger for the unknown that both inspires and drives one to the edge…A first-hand look into the heart of a truly brave man.”
—-Chris Hadfield, Astronaut, International Space Station commander

“Adam Shoalts is Canada’s Indiana Jones—portaging in the north, dodging scary rapids, plunging into darkness, and surviving to tell the tale.”
—–The Toronto Star

“Doing things the easy way has never been my style. There is no adventure in that! In Alone Against the North, Adam Shoalts does nothing the easy way. He travels to places no one has ever seen before and as a result comes back with an amazing story. As gripping to read as it must’ve been exciting to live!”
—-Les Stroud, Survivorman

“Explorer Adam Shoalts’s remarkable solo foray into the quietly dangerous and mysterious Hudson Bay Lowlands is the kind of incredible effort that fosters legends.”                                                                                                                                                                                 ——The Winnipeg Free Press

“Anyone who thinks exploration is dead should read this book (Alone Against the North).”                                                                          ——–John Geiger, author, CEO of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society

On A History of Canada in 10 Maps

“Shoalts has done an elegant job of…reminding us of the vast and brooding influence of geography on our history.” —Globe and Mail                                                                                                                            
“Combining geography, cartography, history and anthropology, Shoalts leaves no stone unturned.” -–CBC

“If you like maps, you’ll like this book; if you like both maps and crisply recounted Canadian history, you’ll love it. Shoalts…takes you inside their heads as they face fear, doubt and despair in tandem with cold, starvation and rebellious wanting-to-turn-back companions ….Canadian history writ well.”
 —Winnipeg Free Press     

 “A brilliant book.”—Canadian Geographic 

“In addition to being one heck of  paddler, Shoalts…writes very well. (A History of Canada in 10 Maps) is one fine book perfectly written for the armchair adventurer.” —-Postmedia

“Adam Shoalts’s book is a must read for anybody with interests in Canadian history, geography, and exploration.” —Canadian GIS

“Adam Shoalts represents the intrepid spirit of the Society and its mandate of making Canada better known to Canadians and the world.” Catharine McKenna, Canada’s Former Minister of the Environment

Praise for Where the Falcon Flies

“For most of us, the expression “as the crow flies” – or, in this case, peregrine falcon – is usefully descriptive. Not so for adventurer-historian Shoalts…” Globe and Mail

“A tremendous trek…Adam Shoalts, one of Canada’s most famed adventurers, scholars and writers, the land and water have always been central to his inquiry. Author of notable works such as A History of Canada in Ten Maps (If you teach Canadian history, this is your text) and Beyond the Trees, Shoalts has perpetually melded history, geography, anthropology and storytelling to bring Canadians into his canoe to engage with the inescapable and often terrifying wonder that is the Canadian wilderness….The charity and kindness of complete strangers Shoalts meets along the way becomes an enduring theme in the book. It is inspiring to read how, in these days of great division in our society, a single adventurer paddling down a river or tromping down a logging road can bring out the best in people.” The Winnipeg Free Press

Where the Falcon Flies takes readers along, vicariously, on this incredible journey–Prepare to be wowed!  Horizon Magazine

“Epic…fighting gale-force winds and plunging into freezing water…this trip was like no other.” The Hamilton Spectator

“Adam Shoalts has hit the mark again with his latest book…. Personally, my favourite portion of Shoalts’ writing is the way he stitches moments of Canadian history into his book. A high school kid can skip every history class, but still gain more knowledge just by reading Where the Falcon Flies.” Explore Magazine

“Adam Shoalts has famously explored the Arctic, created A History of Canada in 10 Maps, and now…reveal[s] the interconnectedness between landscape and nature.” Toronto Star.

“Epic…the adventure of a lifetime.” Global News 

Praise for The Whisper on the Night Wind

“A fantastic, fun and chilling tale.”—Canadian Geographic

“Modern-day explorer Adam Shoalts…reminds us that our world is full of mystery, possibility and awe.” –-CBC

“It is a spooky read, and after finishing it you might want to take a few days off before heading back into the wilderness.…a page turner for sure.” —Kevin Callan, Explore Magazine

“The place they end up is so isolated and untravelled that it could give the yips to even the most seasoned explorer. Shoalts is precise in his descriptions of setting and his writing is filled with …a clever, intentional use of language that heightens tension and lets a creepiness seep into the narrative.”Quill and Quire

“…Like something out of Lovecraft….He writes like an explorer of old….thrilling and sometimes unsettling.”Book City

“[Adam Shoalts]…continues to go where his curiosity pulls him — often into uncomfortable places we might not go ourselves — and is more than happy to bring us along in the recounting. Spine-tingling…captivating.” —Sudbury Star

“He’s a great writer…enthralling…his use of language keeps you glued to the page.” —Mysterious Universe Podcast

“This book tweaks Shoalts’ previous formula in all the right ways – the addition of another person allows for cheeky banter to pepper the narrative…All this is couched in what you expect from Adam Shoalts’ adventure books: an exciting wilderness expedition, which is capped off with a satisfying conclusion to the mystery.” The Book Lady

Hudson Bay Lowlands Documentary Reviews:

“Adam Shoalts is the man…One early scene showcases Shoalts’ canoe skills as he navigates rapids choked with strainers, logs, and other obstacles. Shoalts is cool as a cucumber through it all…Shoalts is a science communicator at his core…” Andrew Marshall, Explorers Web.

“The guy is a total badass. The way he travels upriver is insane and hardcore like few do these days. It reminds me of the suffering of the polar trips of the 1800s and early 1900s.” Ryan Stuart, Field Editor, Explore Magazine

Non-fiction books by best selling author Adam Shoalts